5/1/2020 1 Comment Remembering the sacredOur task as humans is to remember our origins and embark on our own individual journey of ascent through the different stages and dimensions of the Tree of Life, the ladder of existence, toward divine unity consciousness. What can we do to remember the sacredness? Here is a list:
1) write down one thing that has made you grateful to be alive 2) write ten things that are sacred to you 3) think of someone who has betrayed you and make a commitment to forgive them 4) read a short text from any of the worlds spiritual traditions that inspires you 5) when the text you're reading lights a fire inside of you, say a prayer or affirmation that aligns you with pure deep love and compassion 6) make a real commitment to spiritual practice - **just sit and watch your thoughts, in that silence is your greatest treasure** 7) reach out to loved ones - send inspiration, do anything you can to lighten their burden 8) skip one meal in 24 hrs and instead send money or donate a meal to an organization that feeds the hungry 9) find out who is suffering in your community and try to support them 10) give. Give with all your heart, as much as you can as long as you can, without expecting anything in return. 11) Say this mantra daily: "May all beings be filled with loving kindness. May all being be peaceful and at ease. May all beings be well. May all beings know happiness, the roots of happiness and be free from suffering."
1 Comment
July 2022
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